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Full Transformation

Seeking to break free from the shackles of past relationships?

Want to overcome your insecurities?

Want to transform your life?

Embrace a future filled with confidence, self-love, and meaningful relationships?


your true potential

EmpowerHER, our comprehensive year-long coaching program. 

a transformative journey tailored exclusively for women who are ready to reclaim their power, heal from past wounds, and redefine their self-worth. This year-long immersive experience is crafted to provide you with the tools, support, and guidance necessary for a holistic transformation.


Key Focus Areas:

  1. Healing from Past Relationships: Our program delves deep into the emotional complexities of past relationships, guiding you through a process of healing and forgiveness. Through personalised coaching sessions, we address the emotional residue of the past, enabling you to let go, heal, and move forward with resilience.

  2. Overcoming Insecurities: EmpowerHER focuses on building self-confidence and self-assurance. We work on dismantling insecurities, fostering a positive self-image, and empowering you to embrace your unique qualities and strengths. Through tailored exercises and self-reflection, you'll learn to silence your inner critic and stand tall in your authenticity.

  3. Refusing to Settle: Our program empowers you to identify your core values, aspirations, and non-negotiables in relationships. We provide practical guidance on setting healthy boundaries and recognising red flags. You'll learn to assert your worth, refusing to settle for relationships or situations that do not align with your vision for a fulfilling life.


Over the course of one year you embark on an empowering journey of self-discovery and transformation. If you're ready to break free from the constraints of the past, embrace your worth, and build the life and relationships you truly desire, EmpowerHER is your guiding light. Join us and embark on a transformative year where you'll emerge stronger, wiser, and radiantly empowered.

What's Included?

  • 12 weeks intensive coaching

  • 12 weeks mid intense coaching

  • 6 months supportive coaching

  • Round the clock support in between sessions across the entire year

  • Relevant worksheets, resources and other tools as needed to support you throughout your coaching series

  • A program tailored uniquely to you

  • Weekly progress tracking

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